Self-quote instructions:

  1. Fill in the requested information to obtain a self-quote for our prices  as of today.
  2. Since our rates increase depending on the date the file is fully submitted, it is possible that the price may differ slightly at the time of filing if you do not promptly file your file after using the self-quote tool.
  3. Prices are valid based on the answers you give, make sure you answer the questions correctly.
Tax year and type of returns
Tax return year to file  *

Several years to submit?

The feature is under development.

For the moment, you can redo this form several times in a row (year by year).

Most of the data will already be pre-filled.

Which declarations would you like to file today?  *

Gender  *
First name  *
Last name  *
What is your preferred language for our communications with you and the government?
Note that you can complete the form in both languages despite this preference.  *
Contact information
Country  *
Phone (day)  *
Civil status
Civil status at December 31st of this tax year  *

Childs, parents, grands-parents, etc. residing at the same address.

You must provide your dependent's information here, even if there has been no changes from prior years.

In case of a shared custody, make sure the other parent does not claim the same dependent.

Do you have dependents?  *